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My work

Find out more about my latest monograph, Geography, Art, Research: Artistic Research in the GeoHumanities published by Routledge.

Selected recent and upcoming invited presentations


  • Seminar: GeoHumanities Creative Methods for Mobility Futures, Konkuk University, South Korea

  • Plenary: Creative Practices for Environmental Futures? Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, Australia

  • Seminar: GeoHumanities: A conversation about geographical practice, University of Montreal, Canada

  • Seminar: Creative Methods in Practice? University of Maynooth, Ireland


  • Plenary: Underground Imaginations, Environmental Crisis & Subterranean Cultural Geographies, Cultural Geographies Annual Lecture, Washington DC, USA

  • Plenary: GeoHumanities - A new approach to Earth Futures? International Geographical Congress, Chile

  • Keynote: What does Creativity Do? Exploring the possibilities of Creative Research Methods for Geography, University i Agder, Norway

  • Seminar: Imagining the Underground? New spaces for Earth Futures, Rachel Carson Centre, Germany


  • Panel: Anne Buttimer: A Scholar of the GeoHumanities, Irish Geographers Conference, Ireland

  • Panel: Making Space for Care: Making Feminist Academies? Irish Geographers Conference, Ireland

  • Seminar: Creative Methods / Research Creation - 8 Questions, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

  • Seminar: Doing Creative Geographies, University Pompeu-Fabre, Barcelona, Spain

  • Seminar: What are the GeoHumanities anyway? University of Turku, Finland

  • Panel:  Drawing Geographies, Author Meets Critics, American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, USA

  • Panel: Exposures, Author Meets Critics, American Association of Geographers, New Orleans, USA

  • Panel: Feminist Mentoring For Our Future Academies? Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Conference, Portland, USA


(1) Introduction to Denis Cosgrove lecture at The British Academy, London

(2) Leading GCRF research seminar at Senate House, University of London

(3) Interview with live artist Tania El Khoury and collaborator Mohamad Ali         “Dali” Agrebi after premiere of Lavender Man

Journal articles

  • Parrott, F. and Hawkins, H. (in press) 'Conversations in the Field: An account of a geography-art collaboration'. Leonardo.

  • Hawkins, H. (2020) 'Underground Imaginations, environmental crisis and subterranean cultural geographies'. Cultural geographies, 27,1,3-22. Invited paper was given as the journal’s annual lecture 2019 at the Association of American Geographers Conference, Washington DC.


  • Hawkins, H. (2019) 'Doing Gender and the GeoHumanities- celebrations and intoxications'. Gender, Place and Culture, 26, 11, 1503-1518.


  • Hawkins, H. (2019) ‘(W)holes – Volume, Horizon, Surface – Three Intimate Geologies’, Emotion, Space and Society, 32, Article number: 100583.


  • Hawkins, H. (2019) ‘On Care: Supervising Graduate Students in the Anxiety Machine,’ ACME: A Journal of Critical Geographies, 18, 4, 816-834.


  • Hawkins, H. (2019) 'Towards a GeoHumanities GIS' (published panel reflections). Transactions in GIS, 23,1, 161-165.


  • Hawkins, H. (2018) ‘A Volcanic Incident’: Towards a geopolitical aesthetics of the subterranean, Geopolitics, online first. 


  • Hawkins, H. (2018) ‘Geography’s Creative (Re)Turn – Towards a critical framework’', Progress in Human Geography, 43 (6) 963-984.


  • Hawkins, H. (2018) ‘To talk of turns… Three provocations for cross-disciplinary Creative Turns’, Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 4 (2), 10-19.


  • Hawkins, H. and Kanngieser, A. (2017) ‘Artful Climate Change Communication: Overcoming Abstractions, Sensibilities and Distances’, WIRES: Climate Change, 8, 3.


  • Elwood, S and Hawkins, H. (2017) ‘Visual Politics: An Intra-disciplinary Perspective’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 107, 2, 4-13.


  • De Leeuw, S. and Hawkins, H. (2017) ‘Critical Feminist Geographies and Creative Re/Turns: Practices and Poetics for New Spaces in the Discipline’, Gender, Place and Culture.


  • Sachs-Olsen, C. and Hawkins, H. (2016) ‘Archiving the City’, Cultural Geographies 24, 3, 531-543.


  • Boswell, K. and Hawkins, H. (2016) ‘Archival fragments: conversations and crossings’, Cultural Geographies, 24, 3 545-552.


  • Hawkins, H. (2016) ‘Openings for Creative Experiments…’ Dialogues in Human Geography.


  • Hawkins, H. (2015) ‘What might the GeoHumanities Do? Possibilities, Practices, Publics and Politics.’ GeoHumanities, 2, 211-232, [Editorial and organized discussion symposium].


  • Hawkins, H., Marston, S., Ingram, M. and Straughan, E. (2015) ‘The Arts of Socio-Ecological Transformation.’ Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105 (2), 331-341.

  • Hawkins, H. (2015) ‘Montage/Collage: Making Place’. You Are Here: Journal of Creative Geography, 17, 53-60.

  • Hawkins, H. (2015) ‘Creative Geographic Methods: Composing, Representing, Intervening’. Cultural Geographies, 22,2, 247-268. 

  • Hawkins, H.  (2015) ‘It’s all light: Pipillotti Rist’s feminist languages and logics of light’. Senses and Society, 10,2, 158-178. 


  • Woodward, K., Jones, JP., Vigdor, L.,  Marston, S., Hawkins, H. and Dixon, D. (2015) One Sinister Hurricane: Simondon and Collaborative Visualization, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105,3, 496-511.


  • Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (2014) ‘Nano-art, dynamic matter and the sight/sound of touch’ Geoforum, 51,1, 130-139.


  • Delyser, D. and Hawkins, H. (2014) ‘Writing Geography Creatively’ Editorial for a special section of Cultural Geographies in Practice that we edited, Cultural Geographies, 21 (1), 131-134.


  • Thomas, N., Hawkins, H. and Harvey, D (2013) ‘Crafting the Region: Creative Industries and Practice of Regional Space’ Regional Studies, 41,1, 77-88.


  • Hawkins, H. (2013) ‘Geography and Contemporary Art. An Expanding Field: Site, The Body and Practice’ Progress in Human Geography, 37,1, 52-71. [Won the Progress in Human Geography best paper prize for 2013 volume].


  • Dixon, D., Hawkins, H. and Straughan, L. (2013) ‘Sublimity, Formalism and the Place of Art within Geomorphology’ Progress in Physical Geography, 37, 2, 227-247.


  • Dixon, D., Hawkins, H. and Straughan, L. (2012) ‘Of Human Birds and Living Rocks: Remaking Aesthetics for Post-Human Worlds’ Dialogues in Human Geography, 2, 3, 249-270.


  • Dixon, D. Hawkins, H. and Straughan, L. (2012) ‘Golem Geographies’. A reply to Zurr, Lorimer, Clarke, et al. Dialogues in Human Geography, 2, 3, 292-295.


  • Harvey, D.  Hawkins, H. and Thomas, N. (2012) ‘Thinking creative clusters beyond the city: people, places and networks’ Geoforum, 43, 3, 529-539.


  • Hawkins, H. (2011) ‘Dialogues and Doings: Geography and Art-Landscape, critical spatialities and participation’ Geography Compass, 5, 7, 464-478.


  • Hawkins, H. et al. (2011) ‘Organic Public Geographies. Making the Connection.’ Antipode, 43, 4, 909-926.


  • Harvey, D., Hawkins, H. and Thomas, N. (2011) Regional imaginaries of governance agencies: practising the region of South West Britain, Environment and Planning, A 43, 470-486.


  • Hawkins, H.  (2010) The Argument of the Eye. Cultural Geographies of Installation Art.’ Cultural Geographies, 17, 3, 321-340.


  • Hawkins, H. (2010) ‘Turn your trash into… Rubbish, art and politics, Richard Wentworth’s Geographical imagination.’ Social and Cultural Geography, 11, 8, 805-827.


  • Hawkins, H. (2010) ‘Collection as Artistic Practice: A Politics of Display.’ Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal ,39, 6, 647-672.


  • Hawkins, H. (2010) ‘Visions of Excess. Michael Landy’s Breakdown and the theory of Georges Bataille.’ Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 15, 2, 19-37.


  • Thomas, N., Hawkins, H. and Harvey, D. (2010) ‘Digital Media Industries in the South West.’ Geography, 35, 14-21.


  • Hawkins, H. (2009) ‘Touching art, Touching you.’ Senses and Society, 4, 3, 379-385.

Chapters in books

  • Hawkins, H., Marston, S. and Straughan, E. (forthcoming) 'Feminist Icy Geopolitics'. In. Datta, A. et al. (eds) International Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographers (Routledge: London).

  • Buck-Matthew, E., Gagen, E., Fannin, M. and Hawkins, H. (forthcoming) 'The Body'. In. Sharp J. et al. (eds), Feminist Geography Reader (Sage: London).


  • Hawkins, H. (forthcoming) 'History, Geography and the GeoHumanities'. In Domosh, M. Heffernan, M and Withers (eds), Handbook of Historical Geography.

  • Hawkins, H. (forthcoming) 'GeoHumanities'. In Kobayashi, A. et al. (eds), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (Elsevier: London).


  • Veal, C. and Hawkins, H. (in press) 'Creativity as Method: Exploring challenges and fulfilling promises?'. In Kong, L. et al. (eds), Handbook- Geographies of Creativity (London: Routledge).


  • Hawkins, H. and Parrott, F. (2019) ‘Into the Void’, in ‘A Place More Void’, in Secor, A and Kingsbury, P (eds), (University of Nebraska Press: Lincoln).

  • Hawkins, H. (2019) 'Preface: Expanded Geopoetics?'. In Magrane, E. Russo, L. de Leeuw, S. and Santos-Perez, C (eds), Geopoetics in Practice (Routledge: London) 3-13.


  • Hawkins, H. and Hughes, R. (2019) ‘Supervising Artistic Research in Geography’. In Boyd, C. (ed), Non-Representational Theories and Art (Palgrave: London).


  • Hawkins, H. and Kanngieser, A. (2018) ‘Environmental Art’. In Castree, N. et al. (eds), Companion to Environmental Studies (Routledge: London).


  • Hawkins, H. and Catlow, R. (2016) 'Shaping Subjects, Connecting Communities, Imagining Futures? Critically Investigating Play your Place'. In Zebrecki et al. (eds) (2016) Public Art Encounters (Ashgate: Farnham).

  • Hawkins, H. (2016) 'Making spaces for collaboration: the critical geographies of "coming together"’. In Mitchell, P and Wilson, E., Then: Now, The Cultural Capital Exchange 10th Anniversary Collection. London Creative Works.

  • Hawkins, H.  (2016) 'Art-Science and (re)making worlds: Shaping Knowledge, Transforming Subjects, Challenging Institutions'. In Scott, J and Hedigger, I. (eds), Swiss Artists in Labs.

  • Engleman, S. and Hawkins, H. (2016) 'Boros Collection'. In Lopes et al. (eds), Undergrounds: Within our cities (Reaktion: London). 

  • Hawkins, H. and Engleman, S (2016) ‘Levitated Mass’ In Lopes et al. (eds), Undergrounds: Within our cities (Reaktion: London). 


  • Hawkins, H. and Engleman, S (2016) ‘Roden Crater’ In Lopes et al. (eds), Undergrounds: Within our cities (Reaktion: London). 


  • Hawkins, H.  and Straughan, E. (2015) ‘For Geographical Aesthetics’. In Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (eds), Geographical Aesthetics: Imagining Space, Staging Encounters (Ashgate: Farnham), 1-18.


  • Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (2015) ‘Towards a Lively Aesthetics’. In Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (eds), Geographical Aesthetics: Imagining Space, Staging Encounters (Ashgate: Farnham), 19-34.


  • Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (2015) ‘Aesthetic Encounters’. In Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (eds),  Geographical Aesthetics: Imagining Space, Staging Encounters (Ashgate: Farnham), 105-120.


  • Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (2015) ‘Tissues and textures: Reimaging the Surficial’. In Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (eds), Geographical Aesthetics: Imagining Space, Staging Encounters (Ashgate: Farnham), 198-224.


  • Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (2015) ‘Reimagining geoaesthetics’. In Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (eds), Geographical Aesthetics: Imagining Space, Staging Encounters (Ashgate: Farnham), 283-299.


  • Hawkins, H. (2015) ‘Art.’ In The International Encyclopaedia of Geography: People, The Earth, Environment and Technology (The Association of American Geographers).


  • Hawkins, H. (2014) ‘Geography, Art and Aesthetics,’ In Kelly. M (ed), International Encyclopaedia of Aesthetics (Oxford University Press, Oxford), 348-358.


  • Garrett, B. L. and Hawkins, H. (2014) ‘Creative Video Ethnographies’ Invited contribution to Bates, C. (ed) Video Methods (Routledge: New York).


  • Hawkins, H. (2012) ‘Geography and Art.’ In Warf, B. (ed), Geography: Oxford Bibliographies Online.

  • Hawkins, H. (2012) ‘Picturing Landscape.’ In Howard, P. (ed), Companion to Landscape Studies (Routledge: London), 190-198.


  • Hawkins, H.  Harvey, D and Thomas, N. (2009) ‘Creating the Region: Networking the Region.’ In Networks of Design, Glynne et al. (eds) (Brown Walker Press/Universal Publishers: Florida), 427-434.

Other written outputs


  • Hawkins, H. and Ross, R. (in preparation) 'Rights to the Underground City?' Urban Pamphleteer. UCL Urban Lab/The Bartlett Press.


  • Hawkins, H. (2019) 'Going Underground'. In Well Projects, I’m in the bath on all fours (artists’ book).


  • Hawkins, H. (2017) 'Flights of Fancy'. In Englemann et al. Aerocene Reader: Exhibition Road Edition (artists’ book).


  • Hawkins, H.  (2015) ‘The role of Art in tackling climate change: Art Cop 21.’  The Conversation, 15/12/2015.


  • Hawkins, H. (2014) ‘Environmental Encounters: Experimental Methods for exploring art’s environmental engagements’, London, AHRC Cultural Value Programme.


  • Hawkins, H. and Catlow, R. (2014) ‘The Cultural Geographies of Play your Place’. London: Furtherfield. Report for AHRC and Arts Council.


  • Hawkins, H. (2014) ‘Imagine… Orientations toward a Geoaesthetics: An aesthetics for the Anthropocene’. In  Sarenceno, T. (ed). Magazine for Cloud Cities.  Studio Sacracno. Berlin.


  • Hawkins, H. and Marston, S. (2014) ‘Art-Science Collaborations: Bodies and Environments, for US National Science Foundation.


  • Hawkins, H. (2014) ‘Review: Swinging City, A Cultural Geography of London.’ Journal of Historical Geography, 46, 113-115.


  • Hawkins, H. (2013) ‘Encountering Environments: You are Variations,’ PloP! Amsterdam Arts [Essay translated into Italian and Dutch], 1-5.


  • Hawkins, H. (2012) ‘What does collaboration do?’  Report for Swiss Artists in Labs.


  • Hawkins, H.  (2012) ‘Making and Marking’ in Drawing Place and Permanence, I. Biggs (ed). University of the West of England, 4-10.


  • Hawkins, H. (2012) ‘Coastline Convergences: Art, Science on the Jurassic Coast’. In Black, C. (ed), Exploratory Laboratory Handbook, Creative Coastlines, Dorset, 5-9.


  • Straughan, E. and Hawkins, H. (2012) ‘UNFOLD: A cultural response to Climate Change.’ Leonardo, 45,1, 65-55.


  • Hawkins, H. (2012) 'Journeys through Geographical Creativity: A Review of Crouch ‘Flirting With Space.’  Review article for Cultural Geographies.


  • Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (2011) ‘Exhibiting Experiment: Looking Back and Moving On- A Retrospective Moment for Art-Sci Organisations. Leonardo Reviews Quarterly, July, 123-128.


  • Hawkins, H. Dixon, D. and Ingram, M.  (2011) ‘Think Art- Act Science’ Nature, 473 (April), 7344.


  • Dixon, D.  Hawkins, H. and Straughan, E. (2011) ‘Artists Enter the Laboratory’ Science, 331, 860.


  • Hawkins, H.  (2011) ‘Weaving Stories’ in Connecting with Gertrude Recent work by Amy Houghton, Plymouth City Art Gallery.


  • Hawkins, H.  (2011) ‘New Landscape Art,’ invited exhibition review for


  • Hawkins, H. (2010) ‘Networks, Residencies and Incubators. Geographies and Sociologies of Creative Practice.’ Report for PVA Media Lab, Media Arts Organisation.


  • Hawkins, H. (2009) ‘Creative regions,’ review article for Space and Polity, 17, 2, 271-273.


  • Hawkins, H. (2009) ‘Landscape and Vision,’ review article for Landscape Studies.

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Edited works

  • Practising Creative Geographies: Experiments in Researching and Living Differently (joint editor) (in progress)

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